A genuine embodiment of the simplest yet most effective design that binds structures together. Throughout the ages, the nail has changed little since the days of the Egyptians in 3400 BC. Leonard Wong aims to maintain a refined minimalistic elegance which is illimitable to time in an ever changing fashion world.
/ Director / Daichi Yasuda Designer / LEONARD WONG Cinematographer / Satoshi Uchikawa Lighting Director / Yasuyuki Suzuki Sound Design / Hidekazu Sakamoto Makeup / Teruaki Shinjo (SHISEIDO) Wig, Face Piece, Swarovski Mask / SAKIE.(CUBE TOKYO) Co-produce / Shigeyuki Komatsubara Assistant Cameraman / Kosuke Matsuishi / Ken Yamamura / Ayano Ishii / Kei Nakamura / Hakase lighting 1st assistant / Haruki Shiga lighting technician / Reiji inoue Chroma key / Vinicius Vian Assaeda (BISS) Technical Support / Yumiko Kikumoto LEONARD WONG STAFF / Seraphina Xie / Sachiko Richards / Misako Arai / Valerie Liao Model / Natalia
LEONARD WONG株式会社2015年から公開し続けてきた、ART FILMシリーズ4作目『マルチバース』を今回新宿歌舞伎の西武新宿駅前のユニカビ ...
人気アニメ「攻殻機動隊」の世界観を、大ヒットシリーズ「踊る大捜査線」の本広克行監督プロデュースによってショー ...